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Embracing the Journey

aligned ambitions aligned business creativity healing soul purpose spiritual journey women in business Dec 04, 2023

In our last episode of Aligned Ambitions: Women's Entrepreneurial Wisdom, I had the privilege of sharing a conversation with my good friend Deborah Epstein, a beacon of spiritual entrepreneurship and self-discovery. Deborah's story, one that intertwines the realms of healing, artistry, and business, is a tapestry of self-belief, spiritual alignment, and the pursuit of one's true calling. Deborah resides in the heart of Sedona, Arizona, where the red rocks stand as sentinels to the mysteries of the universe.

Deborah's journey began with an entrepreneurial spirit, a path less traveled that demands courage and a deep trust in one's inner voice. From owning multiple businesses to embracing her innate abilities as a healer and an artist, her life has been a testament to following one's soul mission. This pursuit led her to the magical land of Sedona, a place she dreamt of and manifested into her reality.

In our conversation, Deborah emphasized the power of inner healing and creativity, two forces she believes everyone possesses. Her approach to healing is unique; she doesn't just heal, she awakens the healer within each individual, empowering them to discover their own creative and restorative powers.

A significant turn in her journey was her move to Sedona, a decision that marked a departure from her previous practice and approach to business. It was a transition from the tangible to the mystical, from structured business strategies to intuitive, personable connections. Deborah's success in Sedona was not a result of aggressive marketing but stemmed from authentic connections and the energy she infused into her work.

Working under a mentor, Deborah learned different business methodologies, which, while valuable, ultimately led her to return to her solo path, aligning more closely with her personal and spiritual ethos. This experience underscored the importance of alignment with one’s personal values and mission in any endeavor.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought another shift in her business approach. Forced to adapt, Deborah explored online marketing and virtual summits. Initially resistant, she found these new methods to be transformative, not just for her business, but for her personal growth. Stepping out of her comfort zone, she embraced public speaking and digital platforms, expanding her reach and impact.

One of the most profound aspects of our conversation was Deborah's insight into the internal struggles entrepreneurs face. The journey is not just about external successes or failures, but about the constant realignment with one's inner purpose and values. It's about understanding that the 'wrong paths' often lead to the most significant growth and learning.

Deborah's story is not just about her achievements, but also about her challenges and how she navigated them. It's about understanding the cyclical nature of life and business, recognizing when to push forward and when to pull back, when to speak and when to listen.

Her reflections post the loss of her father were particularly poignant, highlighting the impact of personal loss on professional and spiritual paths. It was a reminder that our personal journeys are deeply interwoven with our professional ones, and that true alignment often requires facing and embracing our deepest fears and vulnerabilities.

As Deborah steps into a new phase, taking a sabbatical to focus on her art and supporting her husband's business, her story continues to evolve. It's a reminder that our paths are never linear, and that embracing the journey, with all its twists and turns, is where the true magic lies.

In conclusion, Deborah's journey is a beacon for anyone seeking to align their professional life with their spiritual and personal growth. It's a testament to the power of listening to one's inner voice, embracing change, and trusting the process. Her story is not just about finding success in the conventional sense, but about finding fulfillment, growth, and alignment in the ever-evolving journey of life.

You can listen to our conversation here, make sure to like and subscribe so you don't miss any of these amazing conversations that Larissa will be hosting every second Friday on YouTube.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more insightful content from Aligned Ambitions: Women's Entrepreneurial Wisdom.

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