Your ALIGNED Business Blog

Mastering the Emotional Landscape of Womenā€™s Entrepreneurship

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of modern business, particularly for women, the journey towards success encompasses more than just strategic planning and financial acumen. It involves a profound exploration of one’s inner world, emotional intelligence, and the delicate balance...

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Healing Yourself to Heal Your Business

In the realm of entrepreneurship and professional development, there's a compelling narrative that underscores the intrinsic link between personal healing and business success. This narrative suggests that the journey of self-discovery and healing is not just about personal fulfillment but is...

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Embracing Mindfulness and Empowering Women

In a recent episode of the Aligned Ambitions Show, Larissa Russell welcomed Cheryl Cooper as a guest. Cheryl, a Kajabi expert and business coach, has found her calling in empowering women through entrepreneurship while intertwining mindfulness into the tech world. Together, they delved into...

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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: The Role of Self-Awareness in Achieving Online Business Success

Success is a term that's thrown around often, but what does it truly mean? While many people define success as having the ability to do what you want, I believe it's more complex than that. To me, success is being able to do what you want while also knowing what you truly desire. Unfortunately,...

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