Your ALIGNED Business Blog

Building a Successful Business on Your Terms: Advice for Women Entrepreneurs

As a woman entrepreneur, standing in your power is crucial to your success, regardless of whether you are building a traditional or online business. However, in recent years, online businesses have grown in popularity, offering an incredible opportunity for women to build a business and...

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How Mindset And Action Can Work To Manifest Your Desires

Manifesting your desires is a powerful tool that can help you shape your reality into what you truly want. It is based on the laws of attraction and the idea that what we think about, we attract into our lives. However, many people struggle to fully understand why these principles may not be...

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Itā€™s Better To Trust Yourself And Be Wrong Than To Not Trust Yourself At All

Have you ever struggled to make a decision or enter into a commitment because you didn’t trust your ability to make the right choice? How many times have you gotten a feeling in the pit of your stomach that something was not right? Did you pay attention to your intuition or did you ignore...

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Are You Aware of Your Intentions?

Inspired by the Podcast Dharma Talks: Realizing Your Deepest Intention by Tara Brach  

I was talking to marketing expert Pam Hausner recently about heart-centered marketing and working with creatives and healers in growing their businesses. She sent me this podcast with the...

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