Your ALIGNED Business Blog

Aligning Your Light: A Journey to Harmonizing Success and Well-Being

In today's fast-paced world, many high-achieving women find themselves at a crossroads, yearning for a balance between their professional aspirations and personal well-being. The journey to achieving this balance is not just about managing time and resources; it’s about aligning one's...

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Embracing the Seasons: A Revolutionary Approach to Business Planning for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

In the heart of our entrepreneurial journey, there lies an opportunity to redefine how we approach business planning. It's time to question: Are we truly honoring our divine feminine energy and personal values in the way we strategize our business goals? Let's explore a transformative approach...

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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: The Role of Self-Awareness in Achieving Online Business Success

Success is a term that's thrown around often, but what does it truly mean? While many people define success as having the ability to do what you want, I believe it's more complex than that. To me, success is being able to do what you want while also knowing what you truly desire. Unfortunately,...

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Building a Successful Business on Your Terms: Advice for Women Entrepreneurs

As a woman entrepreneur, standing in your power is crucial to your success, regardless of whether you are building a traditional or online business. However, in recent years, online businesses have grown in popularity, offering an incredible opportunity for women to build a business and...

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Are You Aware of Your Intentions?

Inspired by the Podcast Dharma Talks: Realizing Your Deepest Intention by Tara Brach  

I was talking to marketing expert Pam Hausner recently about heart-centered marketing and working with creatives and healers in growing their businesses. She sent me this podcast with the...

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