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Navigating the Intricacies of Email Deliverability: A Guide for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

ceo mindset email email changes 2024 email deliverability women in business Jan 22, 2024
email being delivered to a subscribers inbox

As we embrace the transformative energies of the new year, it's crucial to align our digital sails to navigate the dynamic seas of online marketing. Today, we're diving deep into the often-misunderstood realm of email deliverability, especially in light of the upcoming changes on February 1, 2024. Let's embark on this journey together, ensuring that your heartfelt messages not only reach your audience but also resonate with them profoundly.

Understanding Email Deliverability: It's More Than Just Hitting 'Send'

Have you ever found yourself questioning the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts? You're not alone. Many of us have been there, pondering why our carefully crafted emails aren't getting the engagement they deserve. The answer often lies not in the content, but in the complex world of email deliverability.

Email deliverability, contrary to popular belief, is not solely in the hands of your Email Service Provider (ESP) like Kajabi, MailChimp or ActiveCampaign. Yes, you read that right. It's a shared dance between your practices as a sender and the intricate algorithms of recipient servers like Google, Microsoft, or Yahoo.

The Journey of Your Email: From 'Send' to Inbox

Imagine your email as a traveler, embarking on a quest to reach the coveted inbox of your subscriber. This journey is not a straight line but a winding path filled with checks and balances:

  1. Initial Dispatch: You craft your email with love and care, hit send, and off it goes to your Email Service Provider (ESP).
  2. Processing and Personalization: Your ESP then processes this email, personalizing it with contact information, creating links, and preparing it for its journey.
  3. Queue and Send: The email waits patiently in a queue before being sent out at the scheduled time through the Message Transfer Agent (MTA).
  4. Recipient Server Check-In: The recipient's server then performs a crucial background check. Is the email coming from a trusted source, or is it on a blacklist? If it's the former, the server gives a green light.
  5. Delivery Confirmation: A confirmation of delivery is sent back. But remember, 'delivered' does not necessarily mean 'seen.' Your email might still be battling to escape the dreaded spam folder or to be noticed in a cluttered promotions tab.

Why Your Role is Pivotal in Email Deliverability

The real magic, or sometimes the challenge, lies in ensuring that your email doesn't just reach the server but makes its grand entrance into the inbox. This is where your role as a heart-centered entrepreneur becomes pivotal. Here's why:

  1. Content and Spam Patterns: Your email's content is scrutinized for spam-like patterns. The key is to maintain authenticity and avoid these traps, ensuring your message resonates as genuine and heartfelt.
  2. Engagement Metrics: How do your subscribers interact with your emails? Regular opens, clicks, and replies signal a healthy sender-recipient relationship, steering your emails clear of the spam folder.
  3. Reputation and Practices: Your sending reputation, shaped by your email practices and engagement levels, plays a starring role in this inbox-placement saga.

Decoding the Numbers: What Does 99% Deliverability Really Mean?

When ESPs flaunt a 99% deliverability rate, it's easy to be misled. This figure merely indicates that the emails reached the recipient servers. What happens beyond that - whether your email basks in the inbox spotlight or lurks unseen in the spam shadows - hinges largely on your practices and the relationship you nurture with your subscribers.

Embracing the Changes: The February 1, 2024 Evolution

As we stand on the brink of change, it's vital to understand these nuances of email deliverability. The upcoming February updates are not just a change; they're an evolution in how we connect with our audience. With the basics under your belt, you're now better equipped to adapt and thrive in this evolving landscape.

The Heart-Centered Approach to Email Marketing

As heart-centered entrepreneurs, our journey is not just about reaching inboxes; it's about touching hearts. It's about understanding that behind every email address is a person, a story, and a heartbeat. As we navigate these technical terrains, let's not lose sight of our core mission: to connect, to resonate, and to make a meaningful impact.

Remember, the essence of heart-centered email marketing lies not in the algorithms or the servers, but in the genuine connections we forge and the value we deliver. As you adapt to these changes and refine your strategies, let your heart be your compass, guiding your emails to not just inboxes, but to the hearts of your cherished subscribers.

Each day this week we will be adding more information on how to check and make any changes you may need to ensure your emails make it to your audience. Check here for any  you may have missed.

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