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Warming Up Your Email List: Building Trust in the Age of Enhanced Email Security

email email best practices email changes email deliverability email list warming Jan 30, 2024
a woman warming her email list to build trust

As the digital landscape evolves, so do the measures taken to ensure email security and deliverability. With recent changes happening in email security protocols, it's crucial for email marketers, especially those with larger lists, to embrace domain warming. Domain warming is the process of gradually increasing email sending volume to establish trust with inbox service providers like Google and Yahoo. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of domain warming and provide you with a step-by-step plan to navigate this essential strategy.

Why Domain Warming Matters

The email security changes scheduled for February 1, 2024, emphasize the need for domain warming. When inbox service providers suddenly receive a high volume of emails from an unfamiliar domain, they become cautious. Email volume is a key factor they use to distinguish between legitimate emails and spam. If you send out a high volume of emails with low engagement right from the start, your emails are more likely to land in the dreaded spam folder. This can be particularly crucial for those with large email lists, as they have more at stake.

The Domain Warming Plan

Here's a structured plan to ensure your email list is properly warmed up and trusted by inbox service providers:

Step 1: Authentication

Before you start domain warming, ensure that your email domain is authenticated. This involves setting up Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM). Authentication verifies that your emails are legitimate and not spoofed.

Step 2: Initial Email Send

After authentication, send your first email as you normally would to your entire list. This initial email will serve as the baseline for your email engagement metrics.

Step 3: Monitoring

Watch your email engagement metrics closely for the first few weeks. Track open rates, click-through rates, and other relevant data. Create a spreadsheet so you can record and analyze these statistics.

Step 4: Analyzing Engagement

After the initial email, assess whether your open rates remain within your typical range. If engagement is consistent, proceed with your regular email marketing strategy. However, if you notice a significant drop in open rates, it's time to take action.

Step 5: The Two Approaches

You have two options at this point:

Option 1: Fast Transition

  • If you're confident that the drop in open rates is not damaging your sender reputation and you're not experiencing high bounce rates or spam complaints, continue with your regular email marketing. Be cautious and send one or two more emails while monitoring engagement closely.

Option 2: Gradual Warm-up

  • If you want to take a more cautious approach, especially if your list is substantial or you're extra concerned about your sender reputation, opt for a gradual warm-up.

Step 6: Gradual Warm-up

Here's how to implement the gradual warm-up approach:

  1. Start with a Small Volume: Initially, send emails to a small percentage of your list. Those you know who are engaged. You can start with those who have opened your emails in the last 7 days. Then an email to those who have engaged in the last 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. Increasing your reach with each send.

  2. Monitor Engagement: Observe how each segment engages with your emails. If open rates and engagement remain healthy, you can gradually increase the volume.

  3. Gradual Increase: Slowly ramp up the number you are sending to.

  4. Consistency Matters: Maintain a consistent sending rate throughout the warm-up process, avoiding sudden spikes in email volume.

  5. Avoid Burst Sends: Stay away from sending in bursts or doubling your volume suddenly, as this can raise red flags with inbox providers.

Step 7: Full List Sending

Once you've successfully warmed up your domain reputation, you can confidently send emails to your entire list without worrying about deliverability issues.

Final Thoughts

In a world where email security is a top priority, domain warming is your gateway to ensuring your emails reach the intended inbox rather than being lost in the spam folder. Whether you choose the faster transition or gradual warm-up approach depends on the size of your list and your comfort level with the process.

Remember, domain warming is an investment in the trustworthiness of your emails. It's easier to build a positive reputation with inbox providers than to repair a damaged one. By following this plan and adapting it to your specific needs, you'll pave the way for successful email marketing and stronger connections with your audience in the ever-changing digital landscape.

For more information about the February 1, 2024 email security changes, and how to navigate those changes, you can read more here.

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